Friday 13 January 2012

True story: 2 storys 1 girl scamming/lieing

Wel... Imma gonna tell u all bout wat happened 2 me late last year. Starting rite from the beginning.....
I added this girl ages ago but.... yea so i went to her page ( and saw that she was trading her account "Baby-lulu36" Baby-lulu36 is a very talented, well known covergirler who is spanish.
I thought right away that this wasent her account because A: Shes not spanish shes english....But babylulu COULD speak i decided to dig a little deeper.

(Click 2 enlarge) Ok wel.... She kept asking me to trade accounts.... She seemed preety desprate....
She kept on asking even if i said no......... There were MANY people wanting to trade accounts....and she was acting preety desprate and pushy to trade already.... So she MUST b tryin 2 scam us. so i went out and warned every1 " Dont trade accounts, Shes scamming u! She doesnt even hav the pass to babylulu!"
They all believed me..... I tryed to get info outta her.... but she wouldnt say anything.... i said "Seriously stop it! We all no now that u dont hav her account. Yr trying to scam us... so just stop"
So then i blocked her... 4got all about it 4 about 6 months..... Then decided to unblock her cause i red her pres and she had stopped tryin 2 sell it and i thought she has prob giving up.About 5 days later i got a GB comment from her sayin she wanted to be friends again, and sent me a friend request sayin something like "Heyy im so sorri... ive stopped scamming now.. so can we plz b friends again?" Sadly i believed her, added her... then the trouble started again......
She said on chat 1 time she needed to tell me something... i said ok...... She said "I did no babylulus password... cause i no how to hack accounts... u no i get bullyed alot..... the bullys no were i liv... and they beat me up eveyday...... they taught me how to hack in2 accounts....." She said. Then i asked "But y? Y did they teach u to hack in2 otha peoples accounts?" she replyed "Because there forseing me 2 hack people, They want peoples accounts.... 4 there sisters...... if they dont hack me they wil beat me up.... They r here with me now.... they r sayin to hack in2 yr account now......" Thats wen i got realllly scared/frightened. If they hacked in2 my account... they would get my account that a worked SO hard on... and they will get some personal information about me..... I was so scared..... After a long scared chat, i talked about it 2 a friend of mine who was on chat....... she said something like " Hun, its impossible to hack in2 some1 elses account... shestotally lieing to u... dont b scared." I said a big thxs 2 her then wen logged on again i got seriously angry... i shouted at her on chat then she kept beggin me to be friends again and 4get bout it....

Im not 4givin 2 anymore!
wel.... buhbye :]
Ill update this quote if anything else happenes!

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