Saturday, 9 June 2012

Flora.... Update! JUICY EVIDENCE!

Heyyy :]
Well, I thought i would have a check up on Flora....7, And this is what she looks like now:

Mmmmmmm, Shes royalty, Got lots of rare clothes, Lots of achievements......
Going back to lots of rare clothes, I noticed that more than half of her clothes were bought for only 2 sd.......

Yesterday i got this guestbook comment:

Thank you so much! Now, This all makes sence! I can finally inform you Flora....'s account was deleted because she is a scammer, And sadly when she made this account, She had gone back to her old habits and has scammed more people to get MORE rares.

This is a lesson to all of you, NEVER TRUST ANYONE TO TRADE!
I would have never have guessed that she was a scammer if i first when to look at her suite/doll.

Be careful... :]
Tazzy xxxx

Flora... made her own blog, Saying that someone scammed her, this is the link to the post:
And a picture of the post:

Im not sure what to say about this......
You think about it and comment below your thoughts!

Tazzy xx

Stardoll updates


There has been a number of updates to Stardoll lately like....
New Fallen Angel

New Chanel Tribute

Stardoll has also introduced a new thing called "Chat"
There preety much like a party, They just changed the name xD
Tazzy xx

Friday, 8 June 2012

One Direction!

Stardoll has got a new trend, 1D decor!
I think this is awesome! I love 1D (Harry is mine xD)

This is Alicat1311, I'm totally loving her 1D stuff!
Do you like or dislike?
Tazzy xx

Tazzy is back!!!!

I'm missed you guys so much! :D
I'm going to start blogging again, Maybe twice a week :)

Baiii! :D