Friday 3 January 2014

Investigation: Baby accounts.

Hello <3

So, What's the deal with baby accounts?
They spam your guestbook going "goo goo gaa gaa be my mama" and stuff and it's kind of annoying.
I'm going to look into a couple baby accounts and see what I find.
I decided to look up baby, but that didn't help because it came up with an actual account O.O
someones a bit popular......

Anyways the first account I looked at was and there were some weird stuff on here..

I would be really creeped out if I was a baby and randoms came up to me and did/said that.
*cough* pedos *cough*
So this is basicly roleplay? The baby accounts get moms, dads, uncles etc etc and they (kinda) take care of them.
The next account was Baby-emily.
This was the first thing in the comments:

Bit dramatic don't you think?
I guess its more interesting when something bad happens.. Like on keeping up with the kardashions (sorry I think I spelt that wrong) Its only interesting when something bad or dramatic happens like a fight or something.
Last account I came across was Baby.kelsy
I found it really interesting because shes actually royalty! I have come across so many baby accounts but none of them have been a member, let alone royalty! I'm kinda impressed.
This baby is obviously very rich and........
Anyway I hope you found this kind of interesting, if not I don't care haha. I went out of my time to write this to make others happy/to entertain.
ex oh ex oh
Tazzy <3 <3
PS: Don't forget to make suggestions below of what I can write/talk about, It really helps. I want to write what YOU my audience want to hear, not just what I want to hear. If you don't like my posts, give me feedback, tell me what I could do better.


  1. I noticed that this blog post isn't at all old, so I wanted to put some input in anonymously because I know this topic is totally judged. I am actually a role-play mom and baby on stardoll.. I know you think I am disturbed. But its interesting... I don't at all do it for fun. I at first came across baby accounts and were curious how far mothers and babies go for role-play. I have come across some of the worst baby accounts and parent accounts. Fathers, little boys who have digusting presentations.. asking for mothers to do things. Clearly I blocked these people, but I have more. There are pageant clubs for baby accounts such as BabyPageantsC as I am aware, bittybaby1 a regular account to the club regularly used to win when I was in the scene of baby-roleplay. I have now left, feeling a lot more smart about what kind of people on stardoll. I definitely do not suggest beginning an account like i did.. Please do further investigations on the more disturbing side and then you will see what you should be aware of. Anonymous Stardoll Ex Roleplayer.

    1. Hi, Thank you so much for your input and story. I would really like to know more about this more disturbing side to baby accounts you are talking about, If you friend me on stardoll you will be completely anonymous (if you are up for it) Otherwise maybe comment more usernames or clubs I can look into. xoxox

    2. I am up to friend you on my account giving detail into such matters. As long as I stay anonymous. Thanks for replying.

    3. you will be completely anonymous I promise. Friend me any time but remember to tell me it was you who commented on my blog in the friend request. That's okay :)

  2. You A Horrible Person You have No Right To Judge People Like That, Saying That Their Annoying When Your Not Perfect Yourself!

  3. I get a lot of people hitting me up for baby role-playing and asking me to join baby role-playing clubs but i have never really been into it.
